It’s On Like Donkey Kong

Okay, so remember when I said I’m a hot mess?  I really am.  More so now than ever!

I’m actually taking a vacation December 1 – 15th to a place soon to be revealed – perhaps with my very first giveaway! Let’s hold our breath, shall we?

So, between now and December 1 is a rush like you would not believe.  T-8 days as of today! (I’m not very good at math – don’t judge me.)

Here is a list of things I have to get done:

1.  Work related:  3 Motions, 2 discovery responses (just assume is a ginormous task – it is!), and the usual slew of letters to courts, clients and a-hole defense attorneys (if you’re a defense attorney, it’s not you – it’s the ones on I deal with!  Again, don’t judge), accounts payable, accounts receivable, administrative things to make sure the office can function to the best of its ability while we are gone.

2.  House related:  clean the house (I hate coming back to a messy house), clean the tub – it needed to be done 2 weeks ago (whoops!), clean the fridge (get rid of everything that will spoil in 2 weeks – It’s time for food hand-me-downs, mom!), pack, buy traveling supplies (because where I’m going – I’ll need all the hand sanitizer I can get), pick up adequate luggage from my parents’ house, go shopping for vacation clothes (you know it’s a necessity!), make sure my cell phone works on the trip and to sign up for whatever plan that won’t charge me $24,000 in roaming charges.

3.  Thanksgiving related: go grocery shopping, coordinate with other family members on food and time, make the following: pie crust, apple pie, strawberry pie, rolls, salad and cornbread (Why the hell did I sign up for all of this?!  Oh yes – because I’m crazy!  It’s time to delegate to other family members!).

While this may sound easy to so many of you super women out there, please keep in mind that I’m balancing all this with a 12-hour work day.  I think this calls for a “GAH!”

Since, I’m being honest – while managing these days – my good eating habits have gone down the pooper.  Since Shreveport, we have on-the-go everyday and let me tell you – take-out salads (Jason’s Deli & Chik-fil-A)and soups (Jason’s Deli & pho) have been my friend.  While I want to make excuses, I really don’t have a valid reason.

For instance, I have one my favorite quick meals in my house – the Boca!  I am a HUGE burger fan – I could eat burgers and fries at least 3 times per week – and I’m sure in college I did that.  (Let’s say Wendy’s and I were pretty much sisters.)

Then, Binks introduced me to the Boca burger – flame grilled, of course.  After this, I never looked back.  I do not have a craving for a burger that cannot be satisfied with this.  I sound like a commercial, but I swear it’s fantastic.  (I’m probably going to find something about it saying it’s bad in some way shape or form – but for now, it’s delicious.)

I had it for lunch yesterday:

That’s my husband’s burger – not mine!  (To be fair, mine were just missing the habaneros).  I used his picture for two reasons: (1) he insisted for whatever reason and (2) I wanted to show you just how insane he is with the heat!  I asked him how it tasted and he said: “It tastes like burning….a good burning.”

If you look carefully at the picture, underneath all those veggies, you can see a burger (on the right bun).  It’s delicious, filling and I never look back when it comes to burgers.  Does this mean I give up all ground beef burgers?  No.  But, this reminds me that when I go through the fast-food window that I have better and just-as-easy options at home.

And then I had a couple of these:

Dark chocolate covered raisins!

So, again, I ask for help! 

Any of you know a good recipe for the following: salad (really I’m looking for a mix – pref. with nuts and fruit – and dressing) and cornbread?

How do you cope with stress and a huge to-do list?

Happy Glee Day!  🙂


Filed under Favorites, Uncategorized

9 responses to “It’s On Like Donkey Kong

  1. I can’t have Bocas because they have soy, but I love Amy’s California Veggie burgers. They don’t taste like beef, but for me, that’s a good thing 😉

    As for stress, you just have to remember that there’s only so much you can do. Break it down by priority, take a deep breath and remember that it does no good to be so busy that you don’t enjoy anything while you’re doing it! Take it hour by hour and just do what you can and have a great holiday!!!

  2. I can’t wait to hear about where you’re going, I love vacation talk! I have to make sure my place is spotless b/c I too hate coming back to a messy house. It just kills my mood.

    I only tried Boca burgers once and it wasn’t a good experience. I am a Morningstar girl 🙂

  3. My go to salad in the fall is awesome! I use as much spinach or leaf lettuce I can fit into my tupperware bowl, add in a chopped apple, a package of raisins, and about 1/4 cup of walnuts. In a separate container, a baked chicken breast which is cut up into slices or chunks, which I heat up when I’m ready to eat the whole thing. I use italian dressing. The best part is the end when you’re left with raisins and walnuts sweetly flavored with the dressing. Yum! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  4. Mmmm….burgers…I love them too. 😉 Such and easy, tasty meal to whip together. Oh pepper heaven on that burger!

  5. One of my favorite salads is mixed greens, sliced almonds (or walnuts), dried cranberries or raisins, sliced dried apricots and goat cheese… toss with balsamic and olive oil… (I use fig balsamic and basil olive oil).

  6. crazylittlethingneela

    indeed your hubby likes the spicy food 🙂
    hope you can get all the things done without getting to stressed! have a wonderful thanksgiving

  7. I hate feeling overwhelmed. A lot of times I freeze up and don’t even know where to begin. Then, once I make a list and break it down into priorities it helps me feel more productive. I’m sure you’ll get it all taken care of!

  8. jen

    In my previous life i was a legal assistant for a solo practitioner. I feel your stress coming through! Good luck getting everything done 🙂


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